Well, after a busy few days, I've finally caught up on some rest and and am basking the glow of the Second Day of Christmas, aka St. Stephan's Day. (Or Boxing Day for those crazy Canuckistanis!)

I hope you all had a wonderful and joyous Celebration of Our Lord's Birth. I had five Masses (two vigils, Midnight, and two morning) over the last two days at one parish while the pastor recuperates from a hip replacement. It was a nice little parish (seats 120 people tightly!) Afterwards, I went to a friends house for dinner and a long conversation about the state of the Church, a little to do with the Vocation Office and how to 'Convict' the next generation.
Finally, I hope the joy you experienced was even only slightly as great as my niece, who really got into a new NEMO! something or other.
Afterwards, I went to a friends house for dinner and a long conversation about the state of the Church, a little to do with the Vocation Office and how to 'Convict' the next generation.
Convict them with beautiful worship. Catechesis can only take us so far; the Faith has to resonate authentically in the heart, and that is the work of the liturgy.
all too subjective - beautiful worship to you is terrible worship to me.
having said that, if we all try to do it a little bit better, whatever that might look like, I'm sure someone will go home pleased and we will have accomplished our goal.
Jim, your suggestion is the height of subjectivity.
Maybe, since we're there to worship God, we should try to figure out what pleases Him.
Maybe we should follow the rules established by His Church, so we can be sure we are pleasing Him.
all too subjective - beautiful worship to you is terrible worship to me.
The Church defines the form that beauty is to take, and it isn't all that difficult to determine.
One of the difficulties faced, however, is that there are legitimate options that need to be taken into account. So Rich, I know you like and would prefer chant in the liturgy, I would too, but not everyone can get into chant, even if done well.
My "we all try to do it a little bit better" includes we in the pews and what we BRING to the liturgy - I know it is not as much about 'getting'
Thanks for getting me on a good hair day.
any worship with the Eucharist is beautiful to me...
just one Canuckistani's opinion
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