Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where's the fancy hat?

Last night, I was priviledged to be part of a special 4th Degree Exemplification for the Knights of Columbus. Special because it was solely for another priest and I, and had been set up because Fr. Dan was in town from Vladivostok, Russia (The eastern most city in Russia, a port on the Pacific Ocean north of Japan) to speak at a parish mission over the weeekend. I was supposed to go through 4th degree a few weeks ago on a Saturday, but was prevented by Bishop Moeddell's funeral.

Anyway, the 4th degree Knights are the ones who are most recognizable, ie capes and swords (pirates, according to a neice at my first Mass.) Alas, as priests we are not required to get the sword and fuzzy hat. Count me disappointed.


Adoro said...

Father, I didn't know you are a Knight!

Disapointed for you that you don't get the cool hat and sword. :-(

John F. Kennedy said...

Can't you get them and just wear them around the rectory? or in the Confessional?

LargeBill said...

Fr. S,

Welcome to the Fourth Degree. Be glad you're not required to get the chapeau, cape and sword. They're expensive. Couple weeks after I bought the sword, etc. I'm talking to my brother and he tells me he has our grandfather's KofC stuff. Making it worse, this brother is not a knight (heck, he hasn't even attended Mass in decades) yet he won't pass on the stuff. :-)