Saturday, October 1, 2011

Am Morgen, die Messe auf Deutsch!

Tomorrow morning will mark the fourth language I have used to celebrate the Holy Mass: German, and I have to admit it is a bit rusty.  There is one German language Mass still said in the Cincinnati area: 11:00 AM at Old St. Mary's in Over the Rhine.  The priest who had been celebrating it is on a medical hiatus, so a few of us who have skill in der Vatersprache are filling in; should be a good time, hoeffenlich!

(English, Spanish and Latin are the previous three, in case you were wondering.  Thankfully, the homily tomorrow is still in English!)


April said...

Did they offer German at Botkins? At Anna we only had Spanish or French to choose from. It would have been nice to have German, since so many of our ancestors came from there. My Grandpa had kids in his grade who came to first grade speaking no English, only German. That would have been a shock!

Father Schnippel said...

April, we did have German in Botkins, still do, I think.

I started there, four years, two quarters at OSU, then one summer in Germany studying the language. I was pretty good by the end of that summer, but it is terribly rusty right now.

Anonymous said...

Ich bin sicher dass die Messe ganz prima ablaufen wird. Wo in Deutschland waren Sie? Uebrigens ist es ....should be a good time, hoffentlich.
Alles Gute und toi, toi, toi.

Father Schnippel said...

Ich war vor einen Summer im Prien am Chimsee, in der nahe zwischen Muenchen und Salzburg mit Goethe Institut.

It was a great time, and the native speakers were even complimentary of my German accent!

Anonymous said...

Meine Heimat liegt viel weiter noerdlicher, ungefaehr 30km noerdlich von Frankfurt. Als Kind bin ich mit meinen Eltern aber oefters nach Bayern in Urlaub gefahren. Die Landschaft ist wunderschoen und die vielen Kirchen sind ganz toll. Fast alle sind katholisch, Bayern hat mehr katholische Einwohner als irgendeine andere Gegend in Deutschland.

Father Schnippel said...

Testing to see if I can still do it, here's a translation of the last comment:

My homeland lies much further north, roughly 30km (20 miles) north of Frankfort. As a child, I often traveled with my parents to Bavaria for vacation. The landscape is wonderfully beautiful and the many Churches are quite nice. Almost all are Catholic, Bavaria has more Catholic residents than any other region in Germany.

(not as rusty as I thought, only had to look up 'irgendeine' = any)

Anonymous said...

Sehr gut!!