Friday, October 14, 2011

#GratefulTweet Campaign

If you following the Twitter Timeline over there ---> on the right of the screen, you've hopefully seen the #GratefulTweet Day N.:  along with something that I am grateful for on that day.

Admitedly, I shamelessly (hey, what's the world wide interweb for but shamelessly stealing someone else's idea and passing it off as your own?) stole the idea from Matt Swaim, who produces The Son Rise Morning Show at Cincinnati's Catholic Radio: Sacred Heart Radio.

Several others have picked up on the 'Grateful Tweet' campaign; let's make it a Trending Topic, shall we?

From Matt's feed, there are a few simple ground rules:

1. First Tweet of the Day is to be the '#GratefulTweet' to start the day off with a positive spin.  This can be anything, but something you are grateful for, even on the worse days, there's gotta be something.

2. While the challenge is to come up with something each day, if you miss one day, keep on tracking where you left off.

3. Challenge your followers to do the same!

That's about it, really.

So if you're wondering what to do with your Twitter feed (I'm looking at you, Rich!), if all you do is post how awesome your cat is, or just wanna get in the frey to make the interwebs a friendlier place; have at it and #GratefulTweet away!


Rich Leonardi said...

That would require figuring out at least how to sign in.

Father Schnippel said...

That does complicate things, Rich.

Lady.Rosary said...

This is an awesome idea! I can pray away while tweeting and get to share that with the whole world. I hope though that a lot of people will do the same.

Anonymous said...

Father schnippel, thought you might want to see this page on Patehos dedicated to Catholic seminary education..
