Saturday, January 20, 2007


As I have mentioned here, Sean Tierney, religion teacher at Elder High School, was in dire need of a heart transplant. I received word last night that one became available and he received the new heart! From last reports, he is responding well to the new heart. Please keep the prayers coming for a speedy recovery and for his continued good spirits and the health of his un-born child as well.

God is gracious and hears our prayers!

We also lift up in prayer the one who gave Sean such a great gift, for another family is mourning the loss of a loved one. May they take solace that their loved one is giving the gift of life to another, that he may live.


Anonymous said...

Great news indeed! Deo Gratias. I have been praying for Sean that God's will may be done. I will now offer prayers of thanks for Sean and prayers for the departed and for his/her family.

Rich Leonardi said...

You bet; that is great news. Prayers for both families.