Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Grow a Priest

So you still check New Advent daily, right? If not, missing great content!

Today, Good Sir Knight linked to Summa This, Summa That, which is a new blog to me, on 'How to Grow a Priest. It is a reflection on the Pope's recent 'Letter to Seminarians,' and includes the realization of the obvious (which is sometimes the hardest to see):

Here’s something I learned a little too late in life: Faithful priests come from, well, the faithful. The call to the ministerial priesthood grows out of the common priesthood that all the baptized share, since the People of God participate in the Christ’s three offices of priest, prophet and king.

So let us consider just how deeply we live out our own intimacy with Christ. We never know – we may be influencing a future priest in our midst!

Read the rest here.

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