Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Last Few Days

Over the last two days, we had the "New Priest Semi-annual Gathering," this time at the Spiritual Center in Maria Stein, Ohio. As I grew up only about 30 minutes from there, I usually take the opportunity to see Mom and Dad, which we had lunch yesterday.

Anyway, the gathering is a great time to connect with the guys that were in the seminary together. Nothing too dramatic happens, we complain about harsh pastors, long schedules and generally make fun of each other as we play Euchre long into the night. After the two days, I come back refreshed and encouraged. I see the guys I knew from our time together now serving as pastors, associates, campus ministers at college and high school, a few are pastors of several parishes already. There is a good friendship and support, and it is fun to just relax. Thanks for the good times, my brothers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fr. Kyle,

Glad to see you all get together and rekindle friendships and take a break. I was just over at Fr. Martin Fox's Blog - Bonfires of the Vanities and he also described the gathering. In his description - he suggested we come over to your blog and 'try to say SOMETHING nice' !! so here I am!

Thanks for the blog. I enjoy reading your articles and thougths. It's also good to see that friends from the seminary continue to tease each other and be brothers even after ordination!

God Bless