Thursday, June 4, 2009

So they must all think...

that I am somehow incompetant.

I'm planning a little get together on Saturday to celebrate five years of priesthood.  And everyone I talk to, email, text, twitter, is offering help.  Is it that they want to help, or that they think I can't do it myself?


Adoro said...

Oh, don't be so dramatic. They probably just realize you're surrounded by too many cooks and they all want to be the chief one.

So...can I do anything to help?

Eric Lee said...

It's spelled "incompetent". :)


Chris Osgood said...

I think they just want to be invited lol

Anonymous said...

It is not that we think you are incapable. It is simply polite that we ask if we can help or bring something. I have lots of faith in you and you can handle this gathering. (is that why you asked how much and what drinks you should have when we talked last night?)

Love you

Jackie said...

Dear Father,

I didn't ask what I could do to help because I thought you couldn't handle it however I did sort of doubt it when I asked you about the clean up and there was that really long pause.

Hence - paper plates!

Anonymous said...

I hope your big day was fabulous and that everything went as planned!