Monday, August 3, 2009

Weekend Warriors

Well, the move to Our Lady of Lourdes is complete, in that all my stuff is there. (besides the piles that got left behind or are on their way to St. Vincent de Paul.)

One of the comments about priesthood: 'aren't you lonely?' was proved to be very wrong over the weekend. I couldn't have made the move without friends to help, and help they did. Noon Sunday was a descent upon the old residence: desk broken apart, cradenza likewise. File cabinet tossed out the window (it bounced) and all manner of things brought down, stuffed into a caravan of cars and vans and hauled out to the new digs. I am deeply indepted to those who helped, and will offer Mass for each of them.

In moving, I also tried to make it a bit of a spiritual journey as well. I left behind lots, including well over 1/2 of my clothes! Fasting isn't just from eating, I see this as a fasting from things and trying to be 'un-encumbered' by stuff. It certainly feels 'lighter' too.

One last thing, after wrestling that desk down one residence and back up another, I think it has found a permanent home! (Don't tell the pastor we had to take the doorjamb off to get it in the office!)


Anonymous said...

Sometimes we have to move just to give ourselves an excuse to de-junk. Thank God for friends who will help us move!

Father Eric said...

I stopped by St. Vincent de Paul with a couple of bags of clothes today. After getting the diagram of my seminary room last week I knew I needed to de-clutter before the end of the month!