Saturday, April 17, 2010

Music in the New Missal

For a 20 page pdf that explains the musical rational included in the New Missal, look here.

Thanks to that ever stylish David Alexander for passing it along.

UPDATE:  Forgot to add, I'll add more links and write up some more reflections later today from the two day workshop on the new Missal, for now, if you haven't, check the twitter feed on the right for some other useful links and info.

1 comment:

Theresa Dearie said...

Thanks for the tweets, Father. I am very interested in reading any other info you have on the workshop. I have read the anticipated changes for the people's parts at the USCCB website and was surprised at how minimal they are given all the hype over the new changes. One thing that puzzles a number of people is why the change from "And also with you" to "And with your spirit." I realize that the latter is more true to the Latin, but why was that said in Latin, what was meant, what are we saying? The USCCB website offered some insight there also:

What does the priest mean when he says “The Lord be with you”?
By greeting the people with the words “The Lord be with you,” the priest expresses his desire that the dynamic activity of God’s spirit be given to the people of God, enabling them to do the work of transforming the world that God has entrusted to them.

What do the people mean when they respond “and with your spirit”?
The expression et cum spiritu tuo is only addressed to an ordained minister. Some scholars have suggested that spiritu refers to the gift of the spirit he received at ordination. In their response, the people assure the priest of the same divine assistance of God’s spirit and, more specifically, help for the priest to use the charismatic gifts given to him in ordination and in so doing to fulfill his prophetic function in the Church.