Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Need an Excuse to Party?

I recieved the following e-vite, which was too good to not pass along:

On October 11, 1962, John XXIII opened the Second Vatican Council. To me, this sounds like a good reason to have a Catholic dinner party. (Actually, we just needed another excuse to get together for another reunion, so work with me here! Uh, thanks for the idea Fr. E!)

Let's all celebrate the "spirit of Vatican II"! Bring your guitars and Carey Landry tunes! Bring your "Gather" hymnals and your felt banners! Get ready to sing "kumbaya" and hold hands! If you're nice to me, I'll even put on a liturgical dancing side show, complete with incense bowls! Let's do it up right like only our generation can! ;)

Sorry, I'm doing this potluck style guys. The coming months are crazy busy for me - and besides that, I suck at cooking, but we need to keep our Catholic Fellowship going - so let's party! I will provide pizza, beer and soft drinks. Can you each bring a side and/or a dessert?

GUESTS WELCOME! (But remember, we're all Catholic here!)

I love the sense of humor of Catholics.


Anonymous said...

Can I come? I can cook...

Maybe part of the party should be spent re-writing REAL show tunes, and then submit them to the publishers of GIA and Gather and Glory and Praise....

Lillian Marie said...

Catholics NEED an excuse? LOL

Father Schnippel said...

Do Catholics need amd excuse? Not really, just helpful from time to time.

Unknown said...

Fr. S. has to have an excuse to justify his expense report remember...

Lillian Marie said...

If you come to my house this weekend you'll get some of my brother's homemade beer! yummy!!

Chris Osgood said...

I can tell you that the Catholic's at LU know how to party!!!