Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm tempted, I really am

But I don't think I would have the guts, even if asked nicely.

well, except for if Adoro asks me to do her wedding....


Anonymous said...

ROFL! You'd do that for ME??? LOL!

OK...if I ever get married, I'm going to hold you to that. Although it would only work if the entire Ohio crowd was present. And I'd have to poll the rest of my family and friends so as to "plant" them strategically (and catch the fainting aunts who would be shocked beyond repair...)


Sara said...

Hey padre, would you be interested in playing Torquemada at my "inquisition themed reception?" I couldn't disappoint the clam.

I've got my first official wedding boycotter and I haven't even sent out invitations yet! My grandmother refuses to attend the wedding of someone who left "the Lord's church" for a "man-made religion."

Adoro said...

Inquisition themed reception!???

Can I be St. Joan of Arc?????

OK< there is a story behind this..please please do share the story ......!

Lillian Marie said...

Just as long as you don't hurry through the entire ceremony to get to the end and only say 'Man and Wife"

Or the Dread Pirate Roberts making a viewing while being on fire...and frightening the entire congregation.


MJ said...

I told you and Fr V that one of these days you are just going to slip and go into the "character"

uncle jim said...

and what part could i do?

is there a 'character' for me?

MJ said...

Uncle Jim - you and I are neophytes! We'll have to watch it a few more times to pick chaacters!

Lillian Marie said...

There's always a part for our favorite Uncle! You could be Miracle Max who saves 'the Man in Black'. Aunt Rozann could be Valerie.

You both save the day!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kyle... you so could have done that at our wedding - Adam would have loved it. Much nicer than calling me a bulldog!!!