Monday, October 15, 2007

Teresa of Avila

Two weeks ago, we celebrated Theresa, the Little Flower. Today, her patron and namesake Teresa of Jesus is celebrated in the Liturgy. Interestingly, the activity in St. Blogosphere seems to be much quieter today than the 1st of October.

Why? The Little Flower seems to follow the model of St. Francis of Assisi, in that she gives us a simple, easy way to follow after Christ: "Don't do great things, do little things with Great Love."

Teresa of Jesus is a little more intense. Her remarkable work of the Interior Castle remains a masterpiece of Catholic Spirituality, but it is much tougher, at least in my limited understanding, b/c the process of growth in the spiritual life in T of Jesus' writings is more about abandonment. The final stages into the Interior Castle are done by Christ, and are fueled by a simple desire to grow in the depth and mystery of Christ's love.

Both of these tremendous women continue to play a very important role in teaching us about how to grow in relationship with Christ

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