Monday, October 8, 2007

Sacerdotal Tepidity and Ministerial Malaise

Fr. John Trigilio, author of John Paul for Dummies, has posted on his blog a great article warning priests of getting lazy, of neglecting their spiritual life and focuses solely on 'Priest as CEO' model of parish leadership. It is a worthwhile read for priests and seminarians, as well as laity for understanding a good and healthy model of priesthood in the Church today:

One of the most immanent yet diabolically latent threats to the priesthood is not the recent clergy sex scandals nor the alleged vocation crisis. The real, critical and urgent danger to many priests, whether young, old or middle-aged, is business. The current paradigm many parishes and dioceses use is a corporate business model in which the priest (or deacon; pastor or parochial vicar) defines his identity in what he does and not in what he is. Doing things, i.e., performing tasks, becomes the primary directive after ordination and it is the measure by which priests are evaluated by their superiors, their peers, their parishioners and even by themselves.

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