Sunday, October 7, 2007

Wow, it's messy in here!

Well, after nearly a week's silence, and just running past this place, I finally get a chance to stop back in and clean up the place.

First off, why the silence? The Vocation Office is a week away from launching this year's Vocation Awareness Week materials. It has been taking most of my time in the last week, going over the details, fixing last minute corrections, making adjustments to layout and such. It should be up by next Monday, links will be provided.

Over this weekend, we had a visitor at the Cathedral: Fr. Chad Zalinski, who is a priest for the Gaylord Diocese, but is also a chaplain in the Air Force. His current assignment is as chaplain recruiter, so he spends lots of time on the road visiting seminaries and bishops to try to get priests released to serve in the military. He had a weekend free, between visiting Mount St. Mary's here in Cincinnati and on to St. Meinrad's in Southern Indiana. He needed a place to crash for the weekend, so we toured around the city a bit and even cooked in yesterday. He presided at the morning Mass here at the Cathedral while I preached.

Today, I had the three Masses at the Cathedral, and I usually let mom and dad know if I have the 11:00 Mass here, as it is the 'High Mass,' so to speak: choir, incense, full compliment of ministers; a true smells and bells, all stops out. (I think if every parish had this, we might not be in such sad shape liturgically.)

As I actually had to preach on the readings this weekend instead of the usual comments on vocations. I will post the notes here as soon as I type them up.

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