Saturday, October 13, 2007

Beer? God? Catholic?

Must be Theology on Tap!

ToT Cincinnati is hosting a "Fall Refresher" on Wednesday, October 24th, 2007, at Mama Vita's, 6405 Branch Hill-Guinea Pike, Loveland, OH 45140.

The plan is to open the doors at around 6:30, with a program of beer tasting starting at 7:00. For a fee of merely $24, you will be able to sample a variety of Oktoberfest Beers, from a variety of different breweries. We have an 'beer expert' on the way (How do I get that job?) to help guide our way through the differences in this traditional Autumn Brew. Food will be provided by Mama Vita's, and lest the 'Theology' gets dropped from 'Theology on Tap,' we will close the evening with a chance to stump your faithful and dedicated author here at Called by Name, with hopefully a few fellow fathers there for backup.

To register, head over to and fill out a simple form, and payment can be made through paypal, too! (Wow, who says the Church is against technology?)

And remember, "We put the FUN in FUNdraising!"

(Moneys raised will be used to help pay for speakers and related costs for the Spring, 2008, series.)

1 comment:

Adoro said...

OOH! I wanna go! But since I can't, here's my stumper of a question:

Please explain the order of Melchizadek, its relationship to the Levitical priesthood, and how that relates to the Catholic priesthood. Explain it simply, I mean.
