Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A few updates

Well, it's been rather quiet around here lately. I'm still catching up on items from the weekend, trying to figure out how to deal with something else, too.

I've updated some links on the right, both the vocations links to add the 'Prayer Warriors' tab and to the blogroll down further to add a new blog by Fr. E. in Cleveland. All these Cleveland Priests blogging, where are the Cinci guys?


Anonymous said...

"Where are the Cinci guys?"

Probably reading the Cleveland guys.


Anonymous said...

Father Kyle,
Three priest of the Cincinnati diocese do have blog sites and I check them out daily Father Martin Fox, Father Rob Jack and Father Larry Gearhart. They are excellent sites in my opinion as well as yours. May God continue to Bless you in your ministry as Vocation Drector.

Anonymous said...

what else do you have to deal with father? perhaps your blog readers can help...at least with prayer

Anonymous said...

You have definitely got your work cut out for you. I pray for vocations daily! My son was in the seminary for a year and still is thinking about going into St Marys after he completes his under grad and maybe even teaches for a year. Please keep him in your prayers!


Father Schnippel said...

Adoro: I resemble that remark!

Deacon Kall: You missed Fr. Ed Burns at WSU. I think they are all in the blogroll on the sidebar. I'll go back and check. (Really, just a sad excuse at hyperbole.)

Anon (non-MJ variety): can't say specifically, but it could use prayer.

MJ Anon: will keep him in prayers.