Friday, January 30, 2009

Alas, what to say?

Here I sit, before my computer.  Not much happening this afternoon, and I need to come up with some ideas for the great podcast adventure.  I'm thinking about some things deriving from the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire,' but at this point it is just thinking.  With the snow here, it's been a crazy, goofy week.  Over half of the things I had planned out fell through, and still trying to get some of them reorganized.  Alas when Mother Nature interveves.  At least I got some work in with the shovel this afternoon.  There is a wedding here at the Mother Church tomorrow and the pastor wanted the steps cleaned off.  As I trudged my way home from the office, I noticed the maintenance guys slamming away at the ice, so I came up, grabbed a quick sandwich, bundled up and headed out to join them.  It's fun when you don't have to do it, I guess.

Well, homily ideas for the weekend are always appreciated, too; but I think it is the Vocation Dog and Pony Show, so don't expect too much.


uncle jim said...

come on, now ... it is super-bowl weekend

surely enough fodder there for any fodder to make a homily

Anonymous said...

Now Father, I have a WHOLE driveway available if you want to practice the shoveling thing!

And - since you don't HAVE to do it - it will be a LOT of fun.

Shoot - I'll even make hot chocolate to make it more fun!!