Saturday, January 31, 2009


so, i've started a podcast to go with the blog.

Now I need topics.

What would you like to hear about vocationally related?


Anonymous said...

I am pro-life because abortion is not the only way out for a woman with an unwanted pregnancy. In fact, she can choose one of these three options: to raise the child, to abort the pregnancy, or to give up the baby for adoption. By bringing the baby to term and then choosing adoption, she can turn the “unwanted” baby to a “wanted” child for other parents

Rachel said...

Father, these are some questions on my mind, but I won't be offended if you decide they're not of general interest. :)

Does everyone in discernment need a spiritual director, and if you have one what sorts of things should you talk about?

Supposing you think you're called to be a nun and there are many admirable orders but none stand out and you hardly even know whether you want to be active or contemplative?

Is it a good idea to tell your family and friends that you're thinking of being a nun, or better to keep this totally secret?

Is religious life inherently superior to life in the world? The Bible seems to say it is ("He who is able to accept this, let him accept it," and St. Paul, "I wish all men were as I am.") and many many saints seem to have agreed. I can't think of one that said the vocations were equal in worth or dignity, except possibly St. Francis de Sales; not sure about that. They nearly all hold up religious life as the obvious better choice, like St. Teresa of Avila who said that she wasn't particularly inclined to religious life but made a determination of the will to enter it because it was the superior way.

And yet I hear most people today, including priests I respect, saying religious life is not inherently better than, say, married life-- that they're equal in value and you're just as likely to become a saint one way as the other and you should make a totally free choice, not favoring religious life just because it's religious life.

I think I'll be a religious anyway but I am wondering about the different answers I hear...

Chris Osgood said...

How about the real vocation crisis: MARRIGE!!!

Rich Leonardi said...

Personal holiness, the proper roles of laity and clergy, catechesis on the sacraments, what it's like being a thirty-something priest, data on priestly vocations.

Anonymous said...

Women's religious life, we hear all the time about priesthood... what about us gals???

Unknown said...

How about what parents can do to foster vocations in the home - like daily prayer, daily Mass, living the liturgical year in the home. Inviting priests and religious into the home, working with priests and religious on projects., etc.

Maybe interviewing priests and religious about their call.

Anonymous said...

I know this isn't a podcast idea that you can create, but I wonder if you can get a link to your interview of Archbishop Schnurr posted on the podcast page.

What does Matt Swaim say?

Rachel said...

I got your comment, Father, thank you!