Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I've been keeping it mostly secret, but we've got a new endeavor shaping up tomorrow in the Vocation Office, but I'm struggling with what to call it.  If I were Oprah, (and thank God I am not!), I would call it a 'book club.'  But I'm not her, so we're stuck at 'discernment group,' which is thoroughly uninspiring, but perfectly descriptive.  Enough rambling:

Tomorrow evening, a number of men who are contemplating the option of the priesthood are coming together to begin a discussion on Deus Caritas Est.  Please keep them in your prayers (and include a shout or two for me leading this group.)

For those in the Cincinnati area who might be interested, contact me through the Vocation Office.

Oh, other good news: candidate #2 'MF' was accepted for the Fall.  Many more to come, but shaping up nicely.


Anonymous said...

From my limited experience, "MF" is a good, good man. My wife and I recently enjoyed the pleasure of his company at a parish fish fry, and were impressed at his charity and savvy. Thank God he's answering "The Call!"

Anonymous said...

but we've got a new endeavor shaping up tomorrow in the Vocation Office, but I'm struggling with what to call it. If I were Oprah, (and thank God I am not!), I would call it a 'book club.'

How about an Opus Gathering
(Opus meaning - a great work)

one prob. - not to be confused with Opus Dei ...

oh well. back to the grindstone.

However, it is GREAT news!!! Thanks for sharing!!! I'll be praying for you all.

All Saints Academy said...

I am thrilled MF is accepted. he is like a son to me (and former roommate to my son). The kids love him.

Rich Leonardi said...

I love the idea of the discussion group. It will assist their formation and provide them with a bit of fellowship. And it might even inspire them to lead such things in their parishes once they're ordained.