Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lessons from Noah (Sunday Homily)

Often in the structure of the Church’s cycle of Liturgical Readings, the selection of the First Reading is geared towards an understanding of the Gospel reading, so that we are able to better understand the mystery of Christ by seeing how He was foreshadowed in the Old Testament.  Therefore, a few weeks ago when we had the story of Jesus curing the Leper, it was informed and explained by the selection from Leviticus that dealt with how Lepers were to be treated in the Jewish community.

Today, however, there seems to be a greater connection between the First Reading and the Second Reading, and well the Gospel sort of hangs out there by itself.  (I’m stretching a little bit here, but stay with me.)

In our first reading, we hear of the response of God to Noah upon the landing of the Ark.  As the great ship lands, the first thing that Noah does is to offer a sacrifice of praise before God.  He takes the finest of the clean animals and gives them to God to say ‘thanks’ for bringing him and his family safely through the flood.  God then repeats the instruction that he gave to Adam to ‘fill the Earth and subdue it,’ but then extends his promise to Noah in an even greater way with the words that we have here:  “I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants; and through you to every living creature that was with you on the Ark.”

How is it that Noah is so privileged to be bestowed such a great promise?  To see that, we have to turn back even further in Genesis, prior to the Flood.  He was found worthy because he trusted in God and followed His commands, even though it cost him ridicule, even though it cost him a lack of respect, even though he was shunned from the community; after all, they would all be destroyed in the flood while God would protect Noah and his family.  When Noah heard the invitation to build the Ark, he responded in faith and action, and then becomes a model for what will happen in Christian Baptism, as the waters of the Great Flood washed the sins off the face of the Earth, the waters of Baptism wash the sins from the one who is to be baptized.

But as we come to the First Letter of Peter that we heard today, the image of how God works with His people is fleshed out even more.  We continue to call to mind the story of the flood, how even after the Ark was built by Noah, God waited seven days before He sent the waters of the flood on the Earth.  This is a very important detail then to St. Peter in his letter, for it shows that when one of the faithful responds to God’s invitation, God allows that person to be an example and invitation to others, a witness, an evangelist, so to speak, to draw others into conversion and contrition.  God waited after the Ark was built to give them the chance to repent and then also board the ship so that they too might be saved, yet they rejected that.

Noah’s example of being persecuted, Noah’s example of suffering, was in itself and invitation to his brothers and sisters at the time to accept God’s invitation, and they refuse.

This, then, is the idea that St. Peter picks up and develops in his letter, a letter written at a time where severe persecutions had not yet broken out, but was starting to develop.  At the time, slaves who had become Christians were being maltreated.  Sons and daughters who came into the Faith were being excluded from wills and family structures; the culture was becoming more and more hostile to the faith; and Peter writes to encourage his fellow Christians to fight the good fight, to keep true to the faith, so that those who suffer for doing what is right may have a clear conscience and follow God reservedly.

This then, is the important lesson that we have for today, as well.  We find ourselves in a culture very much like what the early Church found itself in.  Our world no longer understands who we are and what we do, and when one is faithful to the teachings of Christ found in the Church, that person is often reviled and put to shame in the eyes of this world.  When a Catholic family rejoices in the birth of even their fourth or fifth child, much less eighth or ninth, the response is often: “There’s a pill for that, you know.”  When someone takes the time to pray during the day, their boss might challenge them to ‘get back to work and stop wasting time.’  When someone refuses to join the sports program on a Sunday morning because they feel a necessity to come to Mass, the child is cut from the team.

Let us resolve during this season of Lent to willingly boast of these revilements, to suffer in patience as did Noah and Job before us, so that we might be living invitations to our brothers and sisters to come to know Christ in a deeper and more profound way.  So that we might have a clear conscience in following Christ, and by the joy that comes from being a committed and intentional disciple of Christ, might win others for the sake of the Kingdom.

Inteview with Fr. Tom McCarthy

Fr. Tom McCarthy was ordained in May of 2007 and currently serves as Parochial Vicar of St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Butler County's Liberty Township, just north of Cincinnati. He speaks here of his own call to the priesthood, as well as the particular joys that he has found in his first two years as a priest.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Detachment Test

Jeff Miller over at the Curt Jester is running a test for Lent.

Stop on over and see how you do.

I failed miserably.

Finding God at the Colbert Report

Funny, funny stuff.

A swing of the Thurible to our Salesian friend, Padre Steve.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feel free to ignore this post

Big news from France!

The ACO has released the entries for this year's 24 hour of LeMans.

LM P1 will be exciting as ever: 5 Audi's, 4 Peugot's, and 4 Aston Martin Lola Coupes.

LM P2 will it be 'survival of the fittest, as over the last few years?

LM GT1 Corvettes should run away and hide

LM GT2 14 entries, 9 Ferraris and only 3 Porsches. did the Germans bring a knife to an Italian gunfight?

Cover Story here.

Sebring anyone? (Me, more likely I'll hit Road America in August)

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Why no obligation on Ash Wednesday?

My sister shot me an email this morning with a question that I think many people might be wondering this time of year: "Why isn't Ash Wednesday a Holy Day of Obligation?" As she writes: "It just feels odd that the start to such an important season and a day you hear so much about is not an obligation. Just looking for a reason why!"

My somewhat educated speculation follows:

"My thought is that Holy Days of Obligation are joy filled events, and sorta represents mini celebrations of Easter throughout the year and offer significant moments that brought about our salvation. Ash Wednesday, as a penitential day, does not fulfill these criteria. Also, it does commemorate a significant event in Universal Salvation, but rather invites the faithful to recognize their need for salvation. Does this make any sense?"

Anyone have anything better for an explanation?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Reds fans, Unite!

It just feels good to hear Marty and Jeff's voices calling the game today.

From today's Gospel

This is one of the best days to be a priest, can really smear people bigtime with ashes!

Adoration in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Looking for a place to pray before the Blessed Sacrament in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati?

Wayne Topp in the Vocation Office has assembled a list of locales within the Diocese and posted them to Google Maps!

To find the nearest location, enter your address in the search bar at the top and the closest locations will appear.

Technology is grand, idn't it?

View Larger Map

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Radio Goo Gaa

Late breaking news:

I will be on Sacred Heart Radio's Son Rise Morning Show tomorrow morning at around 7:50, EST.  This is during the national broadcast hour on EWTN Radio.  We will be discussing the significance of ashes on Ash Wednesday.

Truth spoken on Late Night TV

Go Here, watch the clip, thank me later.

Money quote: "We live in an amazing, amazing world, and it's wasted on the crappiest generation of spoiled idiots."

March Prayer Warriors Newsletter

Announced today from the Vocation Office: By the by, this month features Fr. Martin Fox of Bonfire of the Vanities.

Dear Prayer Warriors,

The end of February and the start of Lent is upon us already!

The March St. Michael Prayer Warriors Newsletter is now posted online: or directly here:

Our next conference will be held at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center on Sunday, April 26th, 2009, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Fr. Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh, Dean of Formation at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, will delivering the Key note address. Again, Adoration precedes the conference from 6:00 – 6:45 for those who are interested.

Things here in the Vocation Office continue to be very busy. We had a very successful ‘Cast Your Nets’ youth event this past Sunday, with well over 200 teens gathered in praise and worship of Our Lord and a fantastic presentation by Mother Seraphina of the Franciscan Daughters of Mary, who are based in Covington, Kentucky.

Looking towards the future, please pray for the men who are applying for entrance to the seminary this fall. There are two weekend events coming up for those who are interested in entering the seminary this fall: Welcome Weekend at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary on March 13 and 14 and Live-In Weekend at the Pontifical College Josephinum on April 16-18. Please keep the men who are attending these events in your prayers as well.

May you all have a Blessed and Holy Season of Lent and come to a experience the joy of Easter in an ever deeper way.

In Christ,
Fr. Kyle Schnippel
Vocation Office
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
100 East 8th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Hands of a Priest

St. Monica's Kneeler blog, hitherto unbeknowst by me (but beknowst by others who pointed me to the link), has a great post on the impact a priest has had in her life.

As a priest, we do things that are expected of us: running to the hospital to annoint someone, visiting with a family who's father is dying, stopping by after a daughter's First Communion or Baptism. It is what we are expected to do, and I joyfully do it as much as possible, especially since I am in a 'non-parochial ministry and don't get these opportunities too much.

I am often humbled at the response of the families who seem to be generally proud that I have stopped by. My response: "Who am I? I am just doing what is expected."

All in all, the continuing recognition that we are a family united in Christ.

"Priests who dwell upon earth and make their abode therein have been commissioned nonetheless to dispense things which are in heaven, and have received an authority such as God has not given either to angels or archangels. For it has not been said to them: All that you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven (Matthew 18:18). Those who rule upon earth, indeed, have authority to bind, but bodies only, whereas the binding done by priests takes hold of the soul itself and reaches to heaven. What priests execute below, God ratifies above, and the Master confirms the judgment of His servants."~ St. John Chrysostom

Monday, February 23, 2009

St. Michael's Abbey, California

I spent a week with the brothers here while in seminary for a retreat.  A beautiful campus, but one which is literally sliding down the hill:

The video has been making the rounds on the internet, I swiped it from Tom Peter's American Papist, who also mentions that you can buy the music playing in the background as well.  Proceeds help in building a proper monastery not far from the current location.

Local Cincinnati readers may recognize the habit of one Fr. William Fitzgerald, who was in Covington for a while.  He is associated with this Abbey, and how I made the connection to visit for retreat.  

Hmmm... a retreat in Orange County, CA.  Almost as bad as missionary work in Hawai'i!

Cast Your Nets Report

Last night, over 250 youths and chaperones gathered at Good Shepherd Catholic Church on Cincinnati's north east side for our third 'Cast Your Nets' program, and first in the Cincinnati area. Music was provided by the Lee Rossler Band, MC duties were handled by Bob Wurzelbacher and Wayne Topp, I celebrated the Mass, and Mother Seraphina did a bang up job as the keynote speaker. A number of priests heard confessions for the duration as well.

A few highlights:

During the homily, I focused again on the story of Damien of Molokai and his unreserved 'yes' to following God. To help set the stage, I did ask if anyone had been to Hawaii, and both Domincan Sisters who were in attendance raised their hands! (Got a good chuckle about 'Dominican Poverty')

Mother Seraphina mentioned in her remarks that God loves us so much that He even has the hairs on our heads counted. Asking the crowd if anyone knew how many hairs were on their head, I was the only one to raise his/her hand. Another good chuckle from the crowd.

All in all, a great event, good turnout, and as one adult chaperone said as we were pulling out: "It'll only get bigger from here."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Thoughts on Sunday's Gospel

So, with the announcement of Damien of Molokai's pending canonization, I finally had a topic to discuss for my Sunday Homily, Thanks be to God!  (Literally, laying awake last night, plus up early this morning trying to get something together.  Thankfully, it gelled.)

Telling the story of Damien, I brought forward the idea that disease in Jesus' time had a necessary spiritual element, something that we've lost in today's day and age. 

For true healing, we must first come to Our Lord for that spiritual healing before the physical healing can take place.

or something like that.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Priest of the Day

Today's 'Priest of the Day' is Fr. James O'Conner, a retired priest of the Archdiocese, ordained in 1954.  As he was pastor of my home parish while I was growing up, I firmly blame him for my vocation to the priesthood.  He accepts full responsibility with joy.

Thanksgiving for Priests

Saw this over at Fr. Zenhle's blog, had to share:

The priest is another Christ.
Our faith recognizes in him
the Lord who walks with us in history.
We honor him because in him we see Jesus Christ Himself.
He is a man among men,
yet you have chosen him
to celebrate the sublime mystery of the Eucharist,
to perpetuate your love through the ages,
to forgive sins in your name,
to save in your name,
and to consecrate mankind and all creation
in the name of the Blessed Trinity.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift you gave your Church in the priesthood.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Off to a retreat

But not for me, unfortunately  :(

Over the next three days, I'm helping to proctor a Charis Teacher's Retreat for Catholic Grade School teachers in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.  This is a first of its kind in the country as far as we can tell.  Please keep the 30 retreatants, plus five on the giving team, in your prayers.

This is something that, if successful, we hope to export around the country to other dioceses, helping to foster the unique Catholic identity of our schools.

Talk to ya on Friday.

Final Day in Rome, plus one year

The final update from Mom's diary, a year ago:

This was our last full day in Rome how much fun this was reading everything we did not sure of some of the spelling.


Feb. 18th  Up early walked to attend the Station Mass at San Clemente,  Tom and I were amazed at the number of Priests and Seminarians attending Mass.  Grabbed a cappuccino and walked to see the Market area at Piazza Vicor Emanuel, not much happening just a few flower sellers.  Back to room for an hour then took a Taxi to the Church where St. Peter met Jesus.  As Kyle described to us ST. Peter was leaving Rome and Jesus was entering,  Domiono Qua Vatis saw footprints of Jesus.  After that toured the Church of San Sebastian and the Catacombs.  Was very interesting, it was said that ST. Peter and Paul were buried there before being moved to Basillicas.  Had lunch at a neat little restaurant then took a taxi back to Basillica San Paulo outside the Wall.  Took metro to Termini walked around the train station (Tom and Kyle enjoyed immensely).  Back to room for two hours off the feet.  Dinner was in the St. Peter in Chain Church area where Rick Stieves recommended.  Packed up our belongings for flight tomorrow while Kyle and Tom argued Church religion over last of their scotch and makers mark.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feb 17, 2008

I'm certainly enjoying reliving the events from a year ago, hope others are as well.

Feb. 17th. Up and onto the Metro at 9 for Sunday Mass at St. Peter’s, after Mass went out to Square for Pope Benedict’s address and Angelus. Next we hiked it up to the Pontifical North American University and on up over the Janiculum to Trastevere. What a site looking out over the top of Rome. Lunch was interesting ate at a little place with no one able to communicate with us but we made it through and enjoyed it. Then we headed to Santa Maria Trastevere, next back over the Tiber River and a slow walk back to room and some dinner.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Next update from Roma

Feb. 16th  6:30 rise and shine to a clear, windy and very cool day.  Walked to St. Geovanni in Laterno, Kyle celebrated Mass in an absolutely beautiful chapel.  Then toured church, crossed street to Croce in Gerusalemme where we crawled up steps as these were the steps Jesus walked to Crucifixion.  Cannot put into words how this felt.  Toured the Baptistry area of St. Geovanni in Laterno.  Back to room by way of Colessium area for a break, then walked to Vittorio Emanuele II Monument.  Walked to stop then  toured Santa Maria Aracoelli and the Statue of the Christ Child.  Next we toured Mamertine Prison where St. Peter and Paul were held “WOW”.  Grabbed a bite to eat then toured the Roman Forum and walked along the side of Palatine Hill and outside of Colosseum (IT IS HUGE).  Walked up Via S. Boneventure and found a St. Bonveneture Church, one of the plaques had a Schneider on it (had to wonder if it was some of Grandma Schnippel’s family).   Had a cloister singing in background (how moving that was).  From there we walked to Circus Maximus where chariots once raced.  Back to room for a break, dinner tonight at L’Antica Birreria Peroni a German Restaurant (have reservations on how German it will be though).

Memories from Rome, Continued

Mom's diary from last year in Rome:

Feb. 14th  Early rise and off to the Metro for the ride to St. Peter Square.  Kyle celebrated Mass at Vatican, actually off to the side of the Main Altar.  Can only say it was so impressive.  Did the Scavi Tour of Cryps , saw St. Peter’s grave.   Got tickets for the trip to the top of the Vatican Dome.  Rode the elevator for first 200 steps and then CLIMBED up next 320 steps but what a view.  Shopped at souvenir shops on roof top and in Square.  Walked back slowly over Capitaline Hill found church where St. Peter was in prison.  What  a great Day.  Had some dinner and let Tom do some Irish Pubs, back to room and beat Kyle and Tom in Rummy.


Feb. 15th.  Another bright and sunny day.  Walked to Santa Maria Maggiore for Kyle to celebrate Mass.  Back to house for breakfast, then took Metro to Vatican where we toured the Vatican Museum and the Sistene Chapel “so very beautiful”    Had lunch “more wine”  UH OH.  Kyle then went to pick up his Cassock while we did some souvenir shopping.  Back to house had a nice nap then we walked to dinner at an Irish Pub in the Pantheon not far from Piazza Veneziea.  Walked to Trevi Fountain area, followed side streets on back.  Kyle and Tom consumed more alcohol and had to let Kyle win in rummy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Things noticed in Readings

It's funny how the mind can wander at times during Mass.  I know, I should be paying attention to the readings, but sometimes things just jump out at you, even after you've read the readings time and time again in homily preparation.

As a little backstory, I've been listening to a series of 8 cd's by Scott Hahn on the Letter to the Hebrews (AMAZING!), and one of his main points during his presentation is that you can't just look at the reading itself, especially when the author quotes a segment of the Old Testament, you have to look at the context; ie what's happening before and after the quoted passage, because the author often has that in mind as well in quoting a specific passage.

Ok, with that in mind, I heard once again in the First Reading from Leviticus for today's Mass that lepers were to remove themselves from the camp and make their dwelling outside the abode.

Fast forward to the Gospel, the wonderful image of Jesus touching the leper, when they were to be shunned and avoided at all costs, is such a powerful image for me.  (Especially with my suffering from Discoid Lupus, which I always wonder if it would have branded me a leper at the time of Jesus.)

Anyway, to touch a leper was to make oneself ritually impure, in a sense to take on the disease for yourself.  And at the end of the Gospel passage, notice where Jesus is: he is now outside the villages and has to dwell there.

This is a forshadowing of his propetiary sacrifice.  He is starting to take the sufferings and sins of the crowd onto himself so that when His mission on earth is to be completed on the Cross, He has gathered it all to Himself and can then offer it all, the weaknesses, sins and illnesses that aflict the human race, back to the Father.

It is so easy to slide over these details, even as a homilist.  Yet, when we are able to take that step back and see this particular story in the context of the whole breadth of Scripture, wowzers.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I think I'm caught up

With the two audio posts, I think I am caught up on things for now.  More will be posted as I get them recorded and edited.

Conversation with Fr. Snodgrass

In a first of what I hope will be many conversations with priests, I sit down with Fr. Tom Snodgrass, a fellow priest resident here at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains and Assistant Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. (8:03)

The Call to Greatness

The address given by Fr. Earl Fernandes, Dean of Mount St. Mary's Seminary of the West in Cincinnati, Ohio, to the St. Michael Prayer Warriors, Call of the King Conference, at St. Mary's Parish in Piqua, Ohio, and St. Cecilia's in Cincinnati's Oakley neighborhood.

One hour, three seconds

Friday, February 13, 2009

The weak are called and made strong through Christ

My next installment in the Catholic Telegraph, paper for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati:

“Leave me Lord, for I am a sinful man.” With these words, St. Peter tries to dismiss the call that Jesus gives to him in the Gospel according to St. Luke. A hallmark of his, Peter always seems to be aware of the weaknesses that he has. Yet despite his attempt at a dismissal, Jesus will not be swayed and gives Peter the commission that he is to become a ‘fisher of men’.

So many times in my work as vocation director, I hear this sentiment of Peter in the words of a young man who is discerning a call to the priesthood. Troubled by his own past, the young man before me tries to dissuade either Our Lord or himself from his calling: “There is no way that Jesus is calling me to be a priest! I am a sinner and have done too many terrible things.” As we talk through these objections, I sometimes struggle to keep from smiling as I hear echoes of so many saints (and even my own struggles with my call while in the seminary) who have responded to this same call to leave behind everything and follow after Christ.

St. Paul had a massive conversion experience, going from one who actively persecuted the Church to the great Apostle to the Gentiles. Despite his complicity in the martyrdom of St. Stephen, Our Lord called him to take His message to the ends of the world. He struggled with his own worth the rest of his life, calling himself the least of the Apostles for his former ways of persecution did not leave him worthy of the name. His former persecutions even presented challenges among the faithful who doubted his sincerity, yet, called he was.

St. Peter’s moment of weakness during Jesus’ Passion was not his last. On the Via Appia Antiqua in Rome stands the little Quo Vadis? Church. As persecutions grew under Nero, St. Peter grew afraid for his life and left the city along the Appian Way to the south of Italy. As he traveled, he saw Jesus going the other way, back to the city, and asked him incredulously: “Lord, where are you going?” (“Quo Vadis?” in Latin) Jesus looked at Peter and simply replied: “I am going to Rome to be crucified again.” With this simple admonition, Peter returned to Rome to face his own crucifixion, upside down, for he did not feel worthy to die in the same manner that Jesus did.

The list of great saints who have struggled with their own sinfulness continues to our very day, and includes some of the greatest saints we venerate: Jerome, Augustine, Ignatius of Loyola, Maximillian Kolbe. It is important to recognize that Jesus does not call those who are worthy of the priesthood, for no one is truly worthy of this great gift. Rather, he equips those who are called to lay their own weaknesses at His feet, and He gives them the talents and abilities needed to fulfill the mission that Jesus has set before them.

It is important for a man who is being called to the priesthood to recognize that only through Christ is one made strong. As with St. Paul, he is to willingly boast of his weaknesses, for in his weakness is Christ made strong through him. Only through a free gift of self is God able to work these dramatic miracles through those whom He has chosen. To those being called, God knows your weaknesses, after all He created you; but He also knows the grace you need to overcome, this is what will make you strong to serve the Lord.

For information on how to serve the Lord as a priest for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, visit

Mom's Diary Entry, one year later

Further remembrances from a  year ago, spellings are negotiable.

Feb. 12th  ---   We made it, but OOHHH how our bottoms hurt from the long ride.  Checked into the Tourist House after a  death ride from the taxi driver.  First stop at St. Mary Maggorie (sp?) – how beautiful, off then to St. Suzzana for Papal Tickets but Pope Benedict is on retreat as is custom of first week of Lent.  Had our first taste of Italian pizza.  Afternoon had a long nap – how great!  In evening went to (better know as)  Church of Bones (all Monks).  Had mass at ST. Suzzana and a great meal at the Chicken House (way to much wine though).  Found Kyle and Tom Scotch and Whiskey,  


Feb. 13th --  Slept in and then off we go, first stop was with the Roman Centurion, walked around Plazza Nineva “Wedding Cake” the off to San Marco Church also known as Musollini Balcony followed by Church of Apostles where St. James and St. Phillip are buried.  Then to Gregorian Housing for Priests studying from US – how beautiful.  Trevi Fountain tossed some coins over our should  Fountain is next to Spanish Steps – way to many steps.  Off to top of hill to Trinita Del Monta Church.  Shopped for Kyle, off to the Pantheon, also stopped at Maria Sopra Minerva saw Catherine of Sienna minus her head.   Strolled on down to Irish Pub “??” off then to  Jesu Church paintings appear to be falling out of sky.  Then off to Piazza Navona lots of shops.   Followed by Tiber River crossed bride and over to ST. Peter Square “WOOWWW”.  Walked on back “we are aching” had dinner at Abruzzi, this is the American Priest hangout.  Back home and to bed.


What memories this brings back. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How does a Vocation begin?

Brad at Roman Catholic Vocations (and new papa five times over!) posted a link to the following:

Somebody asked me recently how a vocation begins. At first I thought it a strange question - a vocation begins in the mind of God. But it is proper to ask how we perceive that vocation. In my experience, for many people a vocation presents itself initially as a series of little moments of a certain inner restlessness. You want to do something great with your life. You feel that God wants something more of you. You're concerned about the suffering of men and women - spiritual as well as physical. You enjoy the life you are living now, and yet you feel that there is something lacking. These feelings come and go, like waves on an inner ocean. Like distant whispers of a call that will become more clear in time.

Read the rest, very good from Southwark Vocations blog.

Hard Knock Lesson for Today

When walking down a dark hallway in a strange (unfamiliar) location, be sure to turn on the lights, as you never know, there might be six or seven stairs down at the end of the hallway.

Just consider this a tip from your bruised and bloodied Father.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

CFR Vocation Newsletter

is now available. Good stuff.

From Mom's Diary

entry posted a year ago today:

“Leaving Botkins for Columbus in Kyle’s Mazda, weather is cold 5 degrees but good thing is 8” of snow coming in for tomorrow. In Atlanta now need to get Kyle started to drink didn’t know he was so claustrophobic. Temperature in Atlanta 58 deg. So nice. Can’t believe I think 58 is a good temp. Boarded the big bird for the 9 hour flight I know the Pope is counting the hours until we arrive."

I'm ready to go back!

Bad News

Lent is two weeks away.

If you've been struggling to find something to do as a family, try this.

(An idea I blatantly stole from Simply Catholic, but I did ask for her permission, so I guess it was 'reasearch' instead, eh?)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A day in the life of...

Fr. Fox writes these 'day in the life' posts every once in a while, thought I would share my day yesterday:

9:00 AM: Meeting with the rector of the seminary on a number of different issues of mutual concern, held at the seminary. (12 miles east of downtown)

Banzai run back to the central offices downtown.

11:00 arrival at St. X High School (10 miles north of downtown) for Mass wtih some of the students to preach on vocations.

12:00 departure, head to St. William's for a funeral Mass, 20 minute drive.

12:30 arrival, say hi to the family, go over details with the deacon, make sure everything is in place.

1:15 Funeral Mass begins

2:30 departure for Cemetery, short trip up 8th Street.

3:00 departure for reception 20 minutes back westward.

4:15 Leave to head back to the Cathedral, 20 minute drive.

5:00 chat with Fr. McCarthy (the younger) for a few minutes before the 5:15 Mass

sit down and relax, try to get the hammer in my head to stop.

6:00 departure to westside (again) for 20 minute drive to near St. Simon's for a prayer with the Elder wrestlers.

8:15 after dinner, leave to head back downtown, call the folks to check, remember that a year ago we were on our way to the Eternal City, ahhhhh..... can i go back tomorrow?

8:45 arrival at Cathedral, lug stuff from the day back upstairs, see the Fr. McCarthy (the younger) is still present, sit and chat for about an hour.

10:00 good night world.

all with a nagging head cold, yeah!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

got nothing to do tonight?

St. Cecilia's in Cincinnati's Oakley neighborhood is hosting a St. Michael's Prayer Warrior Conference, beginning at 7 pm this evening.  Fr. Earl Fernandes, Dean of Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Cincinnati, will be delivering his same address given two weeks ago at St. Mary's, Piqua.  It truly is an excellent talk on the call to greatness.  Adoration begins at 6.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chromedome Clergy Conference

Adoro picked up the story of the similiarities that was noted earlier this week.

Ray from MN picked up the theme and noted his pastor could join the fun, and suggested the following:

"Maybe there should be a subcaucus of chromedome priests in the American Church."

I think we go with it, eh?  We've got a bishop and I know of several priests and deacons who could be members, including the Vocation Director in Bismark, North Dakota.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ed Thompson, RIP

If you could find the time, please say a prayer for the father of a good friend of mine who passed away this afternoon after a lengthy illness.

New Bishop in Gallup, NM

I didn't think much about it, until I saw his picture!

check the link compared with this picture!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Today's Moment of Whimsy 2

LOL Saints!

I love Catholics with a sense of humor!

Today's Moment of Catholic Whimsy

Brought to you by 'Catholic Desktop.'

Very cool icons for download.

Interview with Archbishop Schnurr and Fr. Len Plazewski

From Vocation Awareness Week, my interview with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, Coadjutor Archbishop of Cincinnati and Fr. Len Plazewski, Vocation Director for the Diocese of Tampa/St. Petersburg; with great thanks to Sacred Heart Radio and the Son Rise Morning Show for providing the file.

Monday, February 2, 2009

A Snowy Sacred Heart

Cast Your Nets Youth Rally coming to Cincinnati`

The Vocation Office for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (OYYAM), and area youth ministers have worked together to produce another installment of the high-energy youth rally Cast Your Nets!, open to all high school youth and young adults, This Cincinnati Cast Your Nets, which will take place at Good Shepherd Parish in Montgomery on Sunday, February 22 from 5:30 to 9 p.m., is sure to continue the energy begun by the first two held in Dayton and in the northern part of the Archdiocese. “The focus of the event,” said Wayne Topp, associate vocation director and event coordinator, “is on putting life back into the faith of the young people of our Archdiocese and challenging them to live that faith boldly in their parishes, their homes, their schools, and their community.” And it seems to be working as nearly 400 youth have already participated in the first two events and even more are expected to be drawn to this event. “People have started hearing more about this event and they are liking what they hear,” Topp said. “This time, we’ve got a pretty well known band to lead our music in the Lee Roessler Band and our guest speaker, Mother Seraphina of the Franciscan Daughters of Mary, whose convent is in Covington, Ky., is a proven crowd pleaser. So, we’re very excited about the possibilities.” Drawing from the call of Christ to become “fishers of men,” the goal of this event is to encourage the youth – through the use of the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation, high-energy live music, a fun skit, and engaging speakers – to courageously consider how they, personally, can answer their call to live as Christ’s new disciples in today’s world. “The youth are ready to be challenged to live above what is offered to them by society today,” said Fr. Kyle Schnippel, vocation director. “This event does that. And we have already seen the fruits of that as one young man has already approached me about entering the seminary after being inspired by this program to follow God’s will.” The event is free, though there will be a free will offering during Mass, which will be celebrated by Fr. Schnippel. There will be snacks available after the celebration of Mass and Reconciliation will be offered at the beginning and end of the event. The host for the evening will be a member of the OYYAM team, Bob Wurzelbacher To register with your youth group for the event, call Marci Peebles at (513)683-7100 or register online at Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati is the 26th largest Catholic diocese in the country, with almost 500,000 Catholics, and has the eighth largest network of Catholic schools in terms of enrollment. The 19-county territory includes 220 parishes and 113 Catholic primary and secondary schools.

February Prayer Warriors Newsletter Posted

Dear Prayer Warriors:

The February Prayer Warriors Newsletter is now published and features an extended interview with Archbishop Dennis Schnurr. It can be found here:

Also, new on the page is an audio file of the inaugural conference from last September available for download and listening.

And, if you were unable to make the last conference in January, Fr. Earl Fernandes is delivering his talk again this weekend at St. Cecilia Catholic Church, 3105 Madison Road, Cincinnati, OH 45209. The evening starts at 6:00 with Adoration; the talk follows at 7:00. It was a fantastic presentation on the call to greatness within the Church. We hope to record it and have it posted shortly at

Also, good news from the Vocation Office: in the last month, I have had meetings with ten men who are interested in entering the seminary this coming Fall. Please pray for them and their discernment, that they may be open to following God’s Will and have the courage to respond whole heartedly.

God Bless

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life next Sunday

From Zenit:

VATICAN CITY, FEB. 1, 2009 ( Benedict XVI is asking the faithful to pray for many new vocations the consecrated life, which he said are "precious" gifts to the Church.The Pope said this today before praying the midday Angelus with those gathered in St. Peter's Square. He reminded those present that Monday is Feb. 2, the feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, and the Day of Consecrated Life."Forty days after Jesus’ birth, Mary and Joseph brought him to Jerusalem, following the prescriptions of the Law of Moses," explained the Pontiff. "Every first born, in fact, according to the Scriptures, belonged to the Lord, and so had to be ransomed by a sacrifice."In this event Jesus’ consecration to God the Father is manifested and, linked to it, that of the Virgin Mary."The Holy Father recalled that for this reason Pope John Paul II initiated the Day of Consecrated Life in 1977."I invite everyone to thank the Lord for the precious gift of these brothers and sisters," the Pope added, "and to ask him, through the intercession of the Madonna, for many new vocations, in the variety of charisms with which the Church is rich."Cardinal Franc Rodé, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, will preside at the Mass for the Day of Consecrated Life on Monday, and after the Mass Benedict XVI will greet those present.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jesus, The Greater Authority than Moses (Sunday Homily)

Delivered to St. Peter's in New Richmond and St. Mary's in Bethel, my thoughts on how Jesus takes on the authority of Moses and supersedes the authority that even Moses enjoyed.